
  • Discount of the Day! 6.29.2016

    Today’s discount has to do with auto insurance. Have you recently taken a driver safety course? If you have, and have the certificate of completion, then you may qualify for a discount on car insurance! Whether you are getting your license for the first time and complete a course, or if you are 55 or […]

    June 29, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.28.16

    Today’s discount might sound like a good idea, especially in summer time when it’s hot and fires can start easier. Did you know that if you have a sprinkler system installed you may be eligible for a discount on your Home Insurance or Renters Insurance? So if you have a sprinkler system, and you haven’t […]

    June 28, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.22.16

    Happy Wednesday! Today’s Discount of the Day has to do with the method in which you pay your premium. Do you currently pay your premium monthly, either by mail or by automatic credit card, or EFT? Did you know there is another way to pay your premium at a lower price? That’s right, if you […]

    June 22, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.21.16

    Have a renewal coming up in a few weeks and want to look at other options? Getting an insurance quote in advance may provide you with an “advanced quote discount!” That’s right, quoting in advance may get you a bit more off your premium payment. So check your policies, see when they are up for […]

    June 21, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.20.16

    Today marks the first day of summer! To celebrate, let’s talk about a discount that some of you may qualify for but not realize it. A question that your agent should ask you when you obtain your first auto insurance quote is, “are you a AAA member?” If you are a member of AAA, you […]

    June 20, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.17.16

    Do you drive your car a lot? Every weekend finding a new hidden gem to drive to, or just like to take Sunday drives down to the ocean, or visit friends and family in another state? If so, this discount may not apply to you… 🙂 However, if you don’t drive very much you may […]

    June 17, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.16.16

    Do you have an alarm system for your home? If so, you may be qualified for a discount on your Home Insurance! Be sure to let your agent know what type of security you have for your home, including: dead bolts, fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, sprinkler systems, fences, and alarm systems. Every insurance company looks […]

    June 16, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.15.16

    Did you know that when you have multiple lines of insurance with the same company you may qualify for “bundle” discounts? So have us check out your Car Insurance as well as your Home Insurance to see if we can get you the best rates possible. We can also look at other insurance such as: Boat […]

    June 15, 2016

  • Discount of the Day! 6.14.16

    Today’s discount is for your auto / car insurance and comes courtesy of Safeco! You can save anywhere from 5% – 30% On your auto / car insurance by signing up for Safeco’s RightTrack program! RightTrack is a device installed in your car to monitor driving habits. Based on your good driving, you will earn […]

    June 14, 2016

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